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miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2024

Bobby Kennedy Jr.: A Defender of Nature and Humanity

Written by @vigilantecosta - ESPAÑOL

In 2010, I was in La Paz, Baja California Mexico, attending the Waterkeeper Alliance Global Conference as a member and Chilean representative. At that time, Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.), was our president (and one of its founders) and he was for several years with practically unanimous votes. His presence was inspiring, he was a great speaker, and he motivated us all to project new ideas.

RFK Jr. is truly a noble man who has acknowledged his mistakes, learned from them, and made a life dedicated to defending those who are most vulnerable to corporate pressure and the impact of massive private investments in pristine lands affecting local communities by confronting them, and in many cases beating them, in court.

Today he is an independent candidate for president and it fills me with pride to see that same passion for wanting a better country, and he has thrown himself into it, with all his courage and determination. That is valued and respected, no matter who it is. He has played fair.

Because I know him, it is very disappointing the Democratic Party of the United States has dedicated all the attack work, strategically well financed, to stop, through ridiculous legal loopholes, a person who has risked his entire life to defend justice and stop large corporations that pollute our waters, rivers, our soils, our air and take the profits home from entering the runoff.

RFK Jr. has collected more signatures than any independent candidate in history, allowing him to be in the runoff election directly (1M+). However, the so-called Democratic Party will not allow this, spending millions of dollars through a dirty legal war that has only managed to tarnish the name of its own party, without thinking or risking everything, that leaving RFK Jr. out of the race in this way would be its end, since it would end up becoming an anti-democratic corporate party.

Bobby is a fighter, he does not resort to crude personal attacks, his story is an example; he speaks and attacks, with the frankness that irritates many, simply with the truth and calls for the unity of a disunited country in a political sphere that urgently needs to be applied.

I wish the United States a better future and I believe that Bobby Kennedy is the best chance. I hope that everyone who can defend this option will recognize and make known all the work that Bobby has done throughout his life, as well as the incredible work and passion of the more than 100 thousand volunteers who have made an intelligent and unique campaign, offering a candidate of hope and much reflection. We will defend democracy by defending him until the end.

Rodrigo de la O
Waterkeeper Chile
Director Maule Itata Coastkeeper / Vigilante Costero ONG

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