Congratulations to all who joined with will and courage. Great effort. Historical triumph. Thank you all! To remain connected and propose new challenges for the defense and respect for our heritage and culture. For the urgent creation of a Marine Protected Area on the central south coast of Chile. Today, more than ever.
Almost four years of struggle is the one that has been developing since the end of 2015 when, surprisingly, the communities of the Ñuble coast, and its surroundings, are permanently alerted to an invasion of aquaculture projects by a company private (Inversiones Pelicano), in public waters of the Biobío Sea, Ñuble and with incipient applications for maritime concessions on the Maule coast. After much joint effort between the organized community, the establishment of local organizations for the defense of heritage and its social infrastructure, the demand for participation in formal consultation processes; collaborating permanently with municipalities and regional coordination in areas of the political, legal and, above all, social and citizen impact in relation to the impact, or environmental damage, eventually warned.
Todos Somos Cobquecura (We are all Cobquecura), it is the perfect example of the importance of social, community and public counterweight. From this defense organization, given the obvious threat and risk of an industry with an alarming record in the southern south of Chile, organizations are born that align under the same objective and that together have allowed to strengthen and expand a kind of citizen defense block , independent, natural, spontaneous and bound, by the way, on the entire north coast of the Biobío; the new Ñuble region and the Maule coast. Coastal Edge Defense Committees of Boca Itata, Colmuyao, Taucú, Cobquecura, Buchupureo and Pullay remain active, formal and coordinated to strengthen defense and legitimate shared vision; as well as, to design development proposals with a comprehensive approach, grounded in the sustainability of our resources (not in their risk, threat or destruction), understanding of the territory, adding similar orgnizations in communes and nearby regions, in a multisectoral effort for the defense of the territory that multiplies and protects its virtues. And that they never put themselves at risk for an exclusionary or deficient administration and planning.
Ya a principios de 2016 se establecía la organización ciudadana como principal esfuerzo o estrategia para enfrentar la amenaza que implican este tipo de proyectos en aguas marinas y más de 3 mil observaciones se ingresaron a los proyectos presentados, desde el inicio de esta campaña ciudadana donde Cobquecura levanta la voz por la defensa de su territorio y con múltiples actividades, se fortaleció la presencia y opinión ciudadana. Exigiendo participación legal en el acceso a la información pública de los proyectos presentados, a través de consultoras intermediarias; en procesos de consulta e información al mismo servicio de evaluación ambiental que actuó, confusamente, como interlocutor en ausencia de empresa titular, etc. (resumen-actividades; Circulo en el Mar).
Already at the beginning of 2016 the citizen organization was established as the main effort or strategy to face the threat that this type of projects imply in marine waters. More than 3,000 observations were submitted to the projects presented, since the beginning of this citizen campaign, where Cobquecura raises its voice for the defense of its territory and, with multiple activities, the presence and public opinion was strengthened. Demanding legal participation in the access to public information of the projects presented, through intermediary consultants; in consultation and information processes to the same environmental assessment service that acted, confusingly, as an interlocutor in the absence of the incumbent, etc. (summary-activities; Circle in the Sea).
A milestone of the citizen movement was (after the disaster that occurred in mid-2016 in the Chiloé archipelago) the mission of a local delegation to get to know the reality after the so-called "Mayo Chilote" and, after that trip, a Seminar of communities affected or threatened by the salmon industry, a paradox in itself. For this reason, we offer a special mention and a cordial greeting to the Mayor of Cobquecura, Julio Fuentes and his work team, who provides their support and in December 2016 already indicated, publicly in the Seminar held in his commune, that “this problem, it is no longer new to us (Salmonella - Cellulose). To face these types of situations and conflicts. We must have the same flag of struggle for our future generations. ”
Alcalde Julio Fuentes - Seminario Cobquecura 2016 |
Today, in a scenario in which the company gives up its projects (see photo and details in the heading: Public Declaration), it should be noted how the mayor pressed firmly and committed himself representing the interest of his community insisting that "in a peaceful and respectful manner, we want to make the Environmental Assessment Commission feel our concern and rejection of the eventual installation of salmon and other species crops on the coasts of Cobquecura" (@ladiscusión), adding, that "the SEA recommended rejecting the installation of aquaculture centers, but, we continue working to make sure that the vote is also rejection" (@ladiscusión).
Known the withdrawal by the company, and the descent of its projects, it is presumed irrelevant the meeting planned for October 7 this year by the evaluation commission in the capital of Ñuble. It also opens the question of why they give up and, a priori, we could speculate that the holder should have a history of withdrawal (to "improve" or "perfect" proposals), maintain intention to request concessions, before what, to clearly in the evaluation, it came as an absolute rejection. Anyway, and as mentioned, we expect a definitive official pronouncement for the tranquility of many and that it is a task accomplished, blocking absurd intent of an industry highly questioned in Chile and the world.
The importance of finding ourselves between communities and territories has been essential to face unexpected, unwanted struggles, but, which force us to activate our actions, build community, for a greater objective: to defend our attributes and never put them at risk; because they are invaluable and belong to everyone. There will be defeats, but today, it is surely not one of them and everyone has done their part. Thank you for this and that convergence prevails in the local organization.
We must recognize the shared effort of Todos Somos Cobquecura and all who gave their time, knowledge and their immense heart. The local municipality did the same facing complex situations where it had to be activated and managed. They did so, and that work in representation and echo of a community that always gave its support, presence in the streets and where necessary, is appreciated; permanently, in this learning path on the fly.
Today we sing Victoria because the destiny of Ñuble and its extraordinary coastline, its future, will not be determined by petty projects, of private revenue and of a socio-environmental impact that nobody (neither public nor private) takes over.
Finally, recognize in the words of the spokesman of the citizen movement, Todos Somos Cobquecura, Cristóbal Bustos, a natural leader who was always willing to inform and energize efforts to achieve the main objective: block aquaculture crops on our coast and this has been done . Thank, through him and his immense contribution, the reflection of the work of so many others. In his words it is reflected almost 4 years of struggle in which, from small to large, by fatigue, with few means or resources, with the love placed on our land and its benefits, strategically, we fought and won.
Cristobal Bustos - Todos Somos Cobquecura |
Cristobal Bustos - Todos Somos Cobquecura
Historic Day for Ñuble and Chile. October 4, 2019
It will be recorded and will be remembered, as the day that WE ARE ALL COBQUECURA (Todos Somos Cobquecura), citizenship, supported by scientists, researchers, students, friends from all over the world; We managed to stop 11 intensive salmon farming projects that were intended to be installed on the coast of the Ñuble region.
We managed to stop them, after dedicating time and resources, many times from our families.
This shows that we as citizens have to do the job of protecting ourselves and being alert.
The Escazú agreement is necessary, the Chilean legislation is poor and also with little control. We call not to lower our arms, because you can! We must all be the main actors of a change that needs proactive and coordinated activists. Let's unite and continue that the path of change continues and we must continue together! "
As a David enraged against a disgraceful Goliath, we can say task accomplished and that we win so that in the future they are others who can value it, love this land and more. Hopefully we can learn from this new story in which the civil organization is activated, empowered and defended. With will and courage. With the heart and the look ahead. My admiration and pride in knowing this experience and being part of this beautiful story.